9 out of 10
The Killing is an American crime drama television series based upon the Danish television series Forbrydelsen (literally The Crime). It premiered on April 3, 2011, on AMC and was developed by Veena Sud, produced by Fox Television Studios and Fuse Entertainment. Set in Seattle, Washington, the series follows the various murder investigations by homicide detectives Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) and Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman).
After the second season, AMC announced the series' cancellation in July 2012. After a renegotiation with Fox Television Studios and Netflix, it was picked up for a third season. AMC once again canceled but Netflix ordered a fourth season, the final season of the series now on Netflix.
This is a great crime drama. Instead of each episode concluding the murder of episode, you find yourself going deeper into the mystery, learning a lot about this incredible cast of characters. If you like crime dramas, an absolute must see.
A police investigation, the saga of a grieving family, and a Seattle mayoral campaign all interlock after the body of 17-year-old Rosie Larsen is found in the trunk of a submerged car.
9 out of 10
The Killing is an American crime drama television series based upon the Danish television series Forbrydelsen (literally The Crime). It premiered on April 3, 2011, on AMC and was developed by Veena Sud, produced by Fox Television Studios and Fuse Entertainment. Set in Seattle, Washington, the series follows the various murder investigations by homicide detectives Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) and Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman).
After the second season, AMC announced the series' cancellation in July 2012. After a renegotiation with Fox Television Studios and Netflix, it was picked up for a third season. AMC once again canceled but Netflix ordered a fourth season, the final season of the series now on Netflix.
This is a great crime drama. Instead of each episode concluding the murder of episode, you find yourself going deeper into the mystery, learning a lot about this incredible cast of characters. If you like crime dramas, an absolute must see.
A police investigation, the saga of a grieving family, and a Seattle mayoral campaign all interlock after the body of 17-year-old Rosie Larsen is found in the trunk of a submerged car.
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