2010-2011 NR
10 out of 10
Life Unexpected is an American drama television series that aired for two seasons from 2010 to 2011. It was produced by Best Day Ever Productions and Mojo Films in association with CBS Television Studios and Warner Bros and broadcast by The CW. The series was created by Liz Tigelaar, who served as an executive producer with Gary Fleder and Janet Leahy. The series starred Britt Robertson, Shiri Appleby, Kristoffer Polaha, and Kerr Smith.
10 out of 10
Life Unexpected is an American drama television series that aired for two seasons from 2010 to 2011. It was produced by Best Day Ever Productions and Mojo Films in association with CBS Television Studios and Warner Bros and broadcast by The CW. The series was created by Liz Tigelaar, who served as an executive producer with Gary Fleder and Janet Leahy. The series starred Britt Robertson, Shiri Appleby, Kristoffer Polaha, and Kerr Smith.